Monday, October 25, 2010

Blog Interview with author Stephanie Beck

Author Stephanie Beck dropped by for a blog interview to discuss her latest release "Between Elves." 

Ok Steph, start us off by telling us a little bit about you.
My name is Stephanie Beck. I grew up with two older brothers and a younger sister. I also have about a dozen aunts, all of whom love to read, which is how I came to love reading so much. I did martial arts in my teens, played a lot of sports and chased a lot of kids while babysitting. Now I'm married with two kids with a third on the way. I knit and play with my kids. We make our own field trips to apple orchards and parks as often as possible. When I'm not writing, I stay very busy.

What is your story about?

Between Elves is a novella with a paranormal twist. After Blake buried her husband and infant son when they succumbed to heart defects, she thought she was done with family. Even though she's willing to start her life again, she's not sure she'll ever let herself fall for anyone. Then Arden Woods comes along. He's sweet and funny and just when she starts falling in love with him, he abducts her and takes her to a foreign land where he admits he's an elf and wants her to be part of his family.

And not just his family, but be a part of the one he and his partner Quin want to build. They are elves in a world that no longer has children without help from humans. To make things work, Quin and Arden will have to be quick on their feet and sincere and Blake is going to have to let go of some of her fears.

How did this story come to you?

I read a very, very short elf story. There was no guts to it, only about ten pages of sex, but it lead to me wondering where all the characters ended up. The ideas stayed with me and eventually came out of all that thinking and speculating.

What compelled you to write it?

I had the time and I enjoy writing menage so sitting and getting it done was a joy. Blake cracks me up. She's feisty but still vulnerable.

And the elves, both of them make me smile in their own ways.

Who is your favorite character?

That's a hard question! I identify with Blake's strength and sarcasm, but on the 'like' factor, I really like Quin. He has a great mix of stoic strength, sincerity and sweetness that I adore.

What was your favorite scene to write?

The leisure suit scene. I enjoy adding a little ridiculous especially to my more serious characters.

How long did it take you to write the story?

I wrote it between edits on my book, David's Angel. Between fixing and repairing little errors, I wrote Between Elves. I had it done in about two weeks.

When was it released?

The big release date was October 3rd. October is a big month for me with releases the 3rd, 18th and 22nd. For the great fans who have been sweetly emailing me to get busy on the writing, I listened!!

How is it available print, ebook or both?

It is available as an eBook for most eReaders and also for PC's. There is no need to have an independent reader if your computer works :)

Where can we find it online, or if print, where? at amazon and also at most eBook retailers. My website has links also.

Tell us what your publishing experience has been like.

My experience so far has been with some really great companies...and one that was just starting and needed to work a few kinks out. It's definitely frustrating to have more questions than answers, but the important thing is to ask questions. I've learned that most places are extremely willing to answer all they can (after all, as a writer, you're going to make them money) but it is up to the writer to ask if something is off.

I prefer to do direct submissions with my romance and erotica. Between Elves was picked up by the first company I sent it to and I was thrilled. Ebooks are my friend at this point in my career. I'm working on getting an agent, but in the meantime, quality eBooks and wonderful companies are helping me learn and pay my bills.

Where we can we find you online, include your website, facebook, twitter or anywhere else you reside online.

Do you have other upcoming publicity events that you'd like to share?
Freak Week is coming up in October! With the releases of David's Angel and Cross Stitch and Brimstone, my Freak Week promotion is scheduled to be huge. Join me on Facebook October 18-22 for games, trivia and lots of prizes (including some delicious chocolates commemorating David's Angel).

Any "Words of Wisdom" you'd like to share with our readers?

As far as wisdom goes, I'd say always be willing to learn. Always be willing to listen to someone with more experience. To readers, take a chance on something new with an open mind. For aspiring authors, take yourself seriously, make the time and don't let that manuscript sit alone for too long. If you don't take your writing seriously, no one else will.

Thanks so much for stopping by Steph!  Congrats on the new books, and keep us posted when you have something new coming out.  We'd love to have you back on Page Readers.

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